
Matthew 5:16 & 28:19

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (NKJV).

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words]…” (AMP).

Global Bridges Beacon

Learn of Jesus. Believe in Jesus. Obey Jesus.

Global Bridges Beacon is more than a fellowship program—it’s a transformative journey. We bridge discipleship gaps at home and abroad by anchoring students in a biblical worldview. Our Matthew 28:19 approach has three simple steps: 1) learn of Jesus, 2) believe in Jesus, and 3) obey Jesus. 

In partnership with local churches and innovative ministries like Counteract USA and Hartwell Quest, Global Bridges Beacon offers an expansive and inclusive discipleship program for learners starting at age 13. From homeschoolers to college students, graduates, and beyond, our mission is to deepen a biblical understanding that resonates through every facet of life, providing age-tailored guidance and educational growth.

We do this by delivering a biblically grounded educational framework ranging from cell groups that provide supportive fellowship, to study groups and ministry schools embedded in local churches, private schools, homeschool co-ops, and missions organizations. Through strategic partnerships, we have dual credit, dual-enrollment and credit transfer options for high schoolers, as well as degree pathways at a multitude of accredited institutions for all who are college-bound. 

Our students can make their local church or charity involvement part of this fellowship program. Optional missions outreaches can also be done with your local church or through our partnerships with great organizations like Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Global Grace, and others. 

Students can choose to turn these ministry opportunities into a gap year, or even an entire college career—earning degrees through credit transfer or dual enrollment in the Global Bridges Scholars program (see below). There are options for dually-enrolled students to obtain fellowship grants that can help pay for missions outreaches and ministry school training before, during, or after earning an accredited degree.

Additionally, we take refugees through inner healing and help foreigners and immigrants learn English, as well as practical skills through certificates and degrees.

Global Bridges Scholars

Elevate your academic and spiritual journey!

High schoolers and graduates who participate in the Beacon Fellowship Program can receive college credit via transfer to more than 240 accredited Christian colleges & universities through our partnerships. Optional degrees are also available at an incredibly affordable rate through dual enrollment with select partnerships. Students who embrace this path become Global Bridges Scholars, enriching their educational and spiritual growth. To learn more, please contact us to let us know you are interested in becoming a Global Bridges Scholar! 

This program seamlessly integrates Hartwell Quest’s innovative online Smart Courses with Global Bridges Beacon and Counteract USA discipleship elements, ensuring that students receive consistent discipleship (biblical teaching + biblical mentoring) across a variety of disciplines, including English, math, science, history, theology, and more.

As Global Bridges Scholars, students may also qualify for specialized fellowship grants. These grants support enriching activities like mission outreaches, educational tours, and ministry projects, extending the program’s impact beyond the classroom.

Adopt A Scholar

Give a hand up!

Everyone needs a hand up sometimes. When students successfully complete courses within the Global Bridges Scholars program, they don’t just advance academically; they become catalysts for change, impacting peers locally and globally. This ripple effect of academic achievement underscores a profound lesson: individual diligence can have a communal benefit.

The Adopt A Scholar initiative also invites you to partner with Global Bridges to take an active role in fostering educational growth. Your support provides a lifeline that strengthens our educational missions and raises up leaders worldwide.

By “adopting” a scholar, you’re not just contributing to their education; you’re investing in a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and become a beacon in his or her local community. Be a bridge!